Chic By Pig black shorts

Adults consider black as one of the basic colors of the wardrobe. So why shouldn't children have it there as well?

These black shorts are a must have for every summer season. You match all our t-shirts with them and you look "chic." And you can't see chocolate on them either! :-)

In stock In stock In stock In stock Choose variant
Code: 135/1-2 135/3-4 135/5-6 135/7-8 Choose variant
Brand: Chic By Pig
Category: Fashion
Materiál: 100% bavlna
Velikosti: viz tabulka velikostí

Adults consider black as one of the basic colors of the wardrobe. So why shouldn't children have it there as well?

These black shorts are a must have for every summer season. You match all our t-shirts with them and you look "chic." And you can't see chocolate on them either! :-)

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Our story.

Náš příběh

Máme rádi minimalismus. Zároveň ale víme, že děti tento styl málokdy ocení. Proto se při navrhování a výrobě našeho nábytku držíme hesla „Keep it simple but fun.“ Tedy, aby veškerý nábytek co nejvíce zapadl do interiéru rodičů a zároveň rozzářil oči jejich dětí.

Our story

We like minimalism. At the same time, we know that children rarely appreciate this style. That's why when designing and manufacturing our furniture and accessories, we stick to our philospohy "Keep it simple but fun." That is, so that all the furniture fits into the interior of the parents as much as possible and at the same time brightens the eyes of their children.